Some independent short films created by Simon-Mazula
Sort documentary about cleaners and construction workers of Dubai by Hungarian born artist, Tibor Simon-Mazula. Almost all the shots were taken in secret in 2009.
Music video: “I was the first“ of independent band: Ambersmith ( well-known group in Hungary at the early 2000 ) , includes fragments from an experimental super 8 film project: “the Bag”. Movie short was created by the bass player: Oscar Acs and Tibor (who played the drums in the band that time).
Scenes were shot on tours between 2003 and 2004 in Europe including Bosnia, Croatia, Germany, France, Spain and Czech Republic.
Tibor directed a music video: “Faith Test“ for a popular but underground Hungarian band: “Heaven Street 7”.
This short movie was made against the label wishes; band members and other people - who were involved and inspired by the song- produced the production.
Music video project in SF for a friend. (The Trousers: Cool Operator)
- "EXILE", Dissident Island Radio's 10th birthday event Exploding Cinema, London, United Kingdom (July 19, 2017)
- "Seriously Cool", Munkacsy M Museum, Bekescsaba, Hungary (Jan 15, 2016)
- "EXILE", 13TH Int. Super 8 Film Festival Grand Cafe, Szeged, Hungary (October 23, 2015)
- "EXILE", 10x12 Film Festival, SPEC'S MUSEUM CAFE, San Francisco, CA , USA (May 24, 2015)
- "Cheese" (DOP), Final Film Screening, Dwinelle Hall - UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States (October, 2011)
- "Pouring", First International Film Festival, Canton Palace Theatre, Canton, OH, US (October, 2010)
- "Pouring", Barbary Coast Film Festival, Rouge Ale House, San Fancisco, CA, US (October, 2010)
- "Pouring", 9th International Super 8 Film Festival, Downtown Movie Theater, Szeged, Hungary (September, 2010)
- "Pouring", Erzsébet Square Cultural Center and Park, Budapest, Hungary (October, 2009)
- "Pouring", Radissons SAS, Media City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (September, 2009)
- "SNAP", Détours Super 8 Film Festival, Fanari Villas, Santorini, Greece (July, 2009)
- "Hitch Hike", Repeta sarok Cofee House, Budapest, Hungary (August 2008)
- "SNAP", "Slow Day", "Other Time", Int. Super 8 Film Festival, University Social Club, Cambridge, UK (May 2008)
- "Ambulatory", "Budapest 2005", 1/2 10 Fim Club, Bem Art Cinema, Budapest, Hungary (April 2007)
- "Grace", 5th Indie Music Video Festival, Subterranean, Chicago, IL, US (December 2006)
- "Grace", 5th Indie Music Video Festival, Poxx Bar, Paceville, Malta (December 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Alamo Draft house Downtown, Austin, TX, United States (December 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Sunset tavern, Seattle, WA, US (November 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Jacob Burns Film Center, Pleasantville, NY, United States (October 2006)
- "I was the First", "Hello Sun", CinePécs, Pécs, Hungary (October 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Cinemateque 2, Tel Aviv, Israel (September 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Lucky Bar, Victoria, BC, Canada (July 2006)
- "Grace", NXNE film Festival, Havanna Theatre, Vancouver, CA, Canada (July 2006)
- "Hello Sun", Trafo House of the Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Hungary (June 2006)
- "Grace", NXNE Film Festival, Dahlia's Flix & Mix, New York, NY, US (June 2006)
- "Grace", NXNE Film Festival, NFB Cinema 150, Toronto, Canada (June 2006)
- "Grace", NXNE film Festival, Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States (June 2006)
- "Grace", NXNE Film Festival, Broken City, Calgary, Canada (June 2006)
- "Grace", 5 th Indie Music Video Festival, Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg (April 2006)
- "Hard day", 4th Int. Super 8 Film Festival, Downtown Movie Theater, Szeged, Hungary
- "Diner of the Dog", 3th Int. Super 8 Film Festival, Downtown Movie Theater, Szeged, Hungary (2004)
Short clip created from Mazula’s films